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C of E Primary School

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Special Educational Needs

SENCO - Mrs M Cork -



All children are valued, respected and welcomed to Heathlands. We will support their learning and ensure they are fully included in all school activities, making full use of externally provided facilities where appropriate.


Our set procedure for identifying and assessing the special needs of individual children involves pupils, parents, teaching staff and external agencies. We are able to provide an environment which enables access for all pupils regardless of their need. Our accessibility plan enables optimum participation in the school community for pupils,
and prospective pupils with a disability.

Please arrange an appointment to see Mrs. Cork (SENDCO) if you wish to discuss any of your child’s needs.


Multischools Council

We are part of the Multischools Council, attending meetings throughout the school year. 


The Multi Schools Council was started in 2012 to help break down perceptions towards children with SEND and mental health difficulties in schools and their wider communities. 

Each term, children from mainstream and special schools meet to learn more about each other and put their plans in place for making a difference. 

Not only does the Council help break down perceptions, it provides young people with an opportunity to improve their confidence, to develop their personal and social skills and to promote important values like democracy and tolerance. 

Home - Multi Schools Council

Important Information 

Heathlands - Pets As Therapy Reading Dog


At Heathlands, we are delighted to be able to provide the opportunity for pupils to take part in the Pets As Therapy READ 2 DOGS programme, which is designed to give pupils opportunities to increase their confidence of, and enjoyment in reading. 


READ 2 DOGS provides an opportunity to practise and enjoy reading away from their peers, to an audience that will enjoy the experience as much as the child does. Children may have weekly session of 15 minutes, reading to a Pets As Therapy registered dog, under the supervision of the P.A.T. dog’s owner and  a member of the staff team. 


Gabe is  a specially registered dog who normally visit in hospitals, hospices, care homes, etc. He will remain on the lead and under control at all times. A full risk assessment has been completed and can be provided if required.


Meet Gabe

Family Coffee Mornings

Please visit this page to find details of our termly Coffee mornings, each have a different focus - the main aim is to allow families to build support networks within our community. 

If you would like to come along or have an suggestion for the content of the next Coffee morning - please contact Mrs Cork (

Feedback from our Community 



"Well…what can I say?! There was tea and cake...always a good start!

I am delighted that both you and Mrs Murray decided to arrange this event, thank you so much. 

Being a parent to a child with additional needs can be frustrating, frightening and isolating, not to mention the minefield that is the local authority funding system and getting through a diagnosis and what follows! Just to be around like minded parents who understand just what that’s like, is wonderful. I left on Friday in a happier, more confident frame of mind after chatting with some incredible Mummy’s who “get it”, (Daddy’s were there too, I just didn’t get a chance to chat with any of them). Hearing their stories and sharing my own was like a therapy session - a priceless one! The song "You're not alone", keeps popping into my head - you know the late 90's dance hit by Olive (showing my age😳)!

I am hoping this networking session will be a regular event that will help me to make friends with people who understand. Friends, who can support each other in equal measures, whilst learning about our children and their similarities or differences to each other. I have only one negative comment, which is to say that an hour just wasn’t long enough - I didn’t get a chance to explore all of the fabulous resources available to our children or to speak to enough people, I can make up for that next time!

The time, effort and care that Heathlands provides for our children is second to none, I feel blessed that my child and I are part of the this community and truly grateful." 


"The newly formed group to support families of children with ASD & ADHD has been so well received. It was a great opportunity to look at the resources which are used to support my child and discuss these with staff. It was great to meet other parents who are going through the same journeys with their children - discussing strategies that work, sympathise with the trickier daily tasks & celebrate the small successes. I’m looking forward to the support we will all be able to give to each other and the support Heathlands continue to provide for the children and families."


" The coffee morning was lovely, it was a good opportunity to look at resources that will benefit my child and an insight into the strategies they have in place at school to assist my child with their learning.  It was so reassuring meeting other parents in the same position who are going through similar life experiences with their children.  It was great sharing tips and hearing about recommendations for pod casts, types of therapy and groups etc.  It was lovely for Mrs Cork and Mrs Murray to give up their time and again show that their support is as always there. "

Autism Education Trust

Please follow the links below for support and information on Autism and Asperger syndrome.

To view the Parent support pages from the AET click here:

The AET schools programme: Autism Standards are here 


Get in Touch
