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C of E Primary School

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Headteacher's Welcome

A very warm welcome from myself, our staff and governors to Heathlands C of E Primary School


Our goal is to nurture each child’s academic abilities while also fostering their spiritual, emotional, and social growth. With the backing of our committed staff, governors, and families, we collaborate to create a safe and inspiring environment where every child can flourish. Our broad and balanced curriculum encourages curiosity and creativity, enabling children to understand the world around them and contribute positively to society. We take pride in our commitment to pupil voice, believing that every child should feel empowered to express their ideas, skills, and talents.


As a Church of England school, we uphold a strong pastoral structure and Christian ethos. Throughout their time at Heathlands, we instil our core Christian Values of Trust, Respect, Enjoyment, Courage, and Kindness (TRECK), along with Visible Learning characteristics such as resilience, hard work, and a desire for continuous improvement. We honour the uniqueness of each member of our school community and strive to provide a happy, nurturing environment where everyone can achieve their potential. Our school vision, "Helping Everyone Shine Their Light," is inspired by Matthew 5:14-16, reminding us that everyone has their own light to share with the world.


Once you experience our school community, you will understand its true specialness. We invite you to contact the school office to schedule a tour or arrange a visit.


We hope this website offers all the information you need about our school. However, if you require further details, please feel free to reach out to the school or to me directly.


Best Wishes,
Mr. Darryl Crawley FCCT



Our School

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