School Meals
Welcome to our School Meals information page! If you have any questions about our school lunches then please contact Mrs Thorogood in the office and she will happily assist you.
Downloadable menus are available on this page.
Please pay in advance via School Gateway.
Please find below our new Winter Menu - this will cover the whole of the Spring Term (from Monday 6th January to Friday 4th April 2025). The menu will run on a two-week cycle and dates for the week beginning can be found on the left hand side of the page.
Payment of your child's lunches
Lunches are priced at £2.50 per day. These must be paid for PRIOR to the order date. You make payments via the School Gateway App. Failure to make payment in a timely manner will result in the cancellation of dinners booked and you will be required to supply packed lunches until the debt has been cleared. If you have any concerns please contact the School Office.