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School Logo


C of E Primary School

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Heathlands strongly encourages the wearing of a school uniform and parents are asked to support us in this policy. Currently, all children arrive to school in their PE kit on PE days. On all other days they should wear normal school uniform. Both the school uniform and PE kit can be seen below.

All uniform, shoes, bags and coats should be clearly named. Parents are advised that children should not wear jewellery at school. In the case of earrings, only small studs should be worn (one piercing only). Earrings must be removed for PE. It is advisable that ears are pierced at the beginning of the Summer holidays. Other body piercing is considered dangerous and cannot be accepted. Loss or damage resulting from the wearing of jewellery of any kind cannot be regarded as the responsibility of the school or the Local Education Authority.


Uniforms can be ordered directly from:


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