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C of E Primary School

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School Clubs

Autumn Clubs 2024

Please find below details of the school run clubs that are taking place during the Autumn Term. Details of the dates each club is taking place, and of the finish time for each club, are stated below. We will offer many of these clubs again throughout the year to alternative year groups, as well as offering different clubs. There are currently no school run clubs taking place before or after school being offered to children in Year 1. There will be clubs offered to this year group later in the year. 


Places at these clubs will be allocated evenly across those that would like to attend and have completed the online forms by the end date. As a result, more children will be able to attend at least one of the clubs they would like to. The online forms for the new clubs are now active. You can complete these by clicking on the club your child wishes to attend below. You will have until midday on Thursday 12th September to book a place for your child, and will then receive a message later that day confirming if they have a place. You will need to complete a separate form for each club you would like your child to attend.  


On a day when your child is attending an afterschool club, they should wear their school uniform and bring their PE kit, or other appropriate sports clothes for the activity they are taking part in, to school that day. If they are attending one of the dance clubs taking place at lunchtime, they can wear their PE kit to school that day. If children are attending a club before school, they should wear their PE kit and bring their school uniform to change into, unless they have PE that day. Children should arrive for before school clubs at 7:55am outside the front of the school where they will be met.


All clubs are organised to offer an opportunity for children to learn about and improve within the sport or subject area being coached or taught. All children that attend should have an interest in being there. The behaviour of children should reflect that interest and desire to learn. If children attending a club are not interested in participating in the sport or subject area being coached or taught, or their behaviour stops others from enjoying the club, we will in the first instance discuss this with their parent, and should any issues continue, they will lose their position and it will be offered to another child. 


Other clubs being run by external providers are responsible for organising their own admin, which we support by passing on information where we can. If you have any questions about an external club please contact them direct. Please note the dates and times external clubs are run may differ from clubs offered by staff at Heathlands. If you need to contact any of the external club providers who come into Heathlands please find their details below. 


Making Aces - Barney (James Barnard), 

Computer Xplorers - 01206 670143, 


IMPORTANT HEALTH AND SAFETY NOTES Please read the following carefully before applying:

Due to circumstances beyond our control, clubs may have to be cancelled from time to time and we appreciate your co-operation when this happens. We will send messages to parents via ParentMail and text messages to inform as many parents as soon as possible. If a club has to be cancelled and we are unable to contact you we will ensure your child is kept safely in school until you or a nominated person arrives to collect him or her.


If your child will not be attending an after-school club session, please ensure the adult leading the club is aware of this absence. For children in KS2, especially those in Year 5 and 6, we would anticipate the child telling the teacher running the club why they are not attending. With younger children we understand that parents would do this and ask that you email the school office. Once children have been allocated a place at a club it is anticipated that they attend every week unless they have a valid reason not to attend.  If children are absent from clubs their position may be offered to another child on the waiting list.


Please stress this to your child - they should not walk home independently unless you have given your permission. You are able to do this on the Microsoft form if your child is attending a Year 5/6 club (we would not anticipate children in Year 1, 2, 3 or 4 walking home on their own). The adult(s) running the club will wait with your child to be collected after the club has finished and we would emphasise that on no account are they to accept lifts unless this has been arranged by you, the parents. Please could parents inform the school of any changes to their child’s pick-up arrangements.


Essex County Council safety regulations are also being enforced with regard to children and earrings in P.E. or games sessions. These state that NO earrings whatsoever may be worn for games and P.E., so children will have to remove their studs. Please would you send in a small named container to keep them in. The use of micropore tape is no longer permitted. It is recommended that if your child has their ears pierced this is done at the beginning of the summer holiday.

Shoulder length hair or longer should be tied back using only soft hair bands or grips (i.e. no hard plastic items).


After school clubs being offered during the Autumn Term are: 




Year 5/6 Football with Mr Minter and Mr Hassard 

This will start on Monday 16th September, with the final session taking place on Monday 9th December. The club will finish at 4:30pm.  




Year 2 Multi-sports Club with Mrs Gidden

This will start on Tuesday 17th September, with the final session taking place on Tuesday 15th October. The club will finish at 4:15pm.  




Year 3/4 Gardening Club with Mr O'Nions

This will start on Wednesday 18th September, with the final session taking place on Wednesday 10th December. The club will finish at 4:15pm. 


Year 5/6 Netball Club with Mrs Sandford 

Netball club will take take place every other Wednesday this year. It will take place on 2nd October, 16th October, 13th November, 27th November, 11th December. The club will finish at 4:15pm. 




Year 3/4 Tag Rugby Club with Mr Minter 

This will start on Thursday 19th September, with the final session taking place on Thursday 12th December. The club will finish at 4:30pm.  




Year 5/6 Girls Football Club with Mr Minter 

This will start on Friday 20th September, with the final session taking place on Friday 13th December. The club will finish at 4:30pm.  



Before school clubs being offered during the Autumn Term are below. 




Year 3/4 Hockey Club with Mr Minter 

This will start on Tuesday 17th September, with the final session taking place on Tuesday 22nd October. Children should arrive at 7:55am. 




Year 2/3 Cricket Club with Mr Minter 

This will start on Wednesday 18th September, with the final session taking place on Wednesday 23rd October. Children should arrive at 7:55am. 




Year 5/6 Basketball Club with Mr Minter 

This will start on Thursday 19th September, with the final session taking place on Thursday 24th October. Children should arrive at 7:55am. 



Lunchtime clubs being offered during the Autumn term are: 




Year 3/4 Dance Club with Mrs Nevin 

This will start on Tuesday 17th September, with the final session taking place on Tuesday 10th December. 




Year 5/6 Dance Club with Mrs Nevin 

This will start on Thursday 19th September, with the final session taking place on Thursday 12th December. 

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